Our doctors believe in providing comprehensive oral health services to our patients in a friendly, relaxed atmosphere.  We also strive to educate our patients as we work with them to achieve the best oral health possible. 

Each physician is certified by the Costarican Board of Dentistry and focuses on the specialty they've trained in.  Those who visit us will receive premium dental treatment and the support needed to stay healthy.   Our patients also benefit from our location where they enjoy the rich, beautiful scenery that is found in Golfito and our surrounding areas.

To schedule an appointment or a consultation with one of our specialists, please call us at 506-2775-2060. 

About Us

Call Us: (506) 2775-2060

Clínica Dental San Judas Tadeo

Golfito Dental

Dr. Esteban Ceciliano

General Dentistry

Dra. Natalia Arguedas  


Dra. Ligia Loaiza 


Dr. Randall Abad

General Dentistry

Dra. Carolina Vargas


Dra. Jeovanna Artavia 


Our Specialists

(506) 2775-2060
(506) 2775-1769

(506) 8882-1786

Monday -Friday  8:00 - 5:00 pm

Saturday:   8:00 - 2:00 pm

Sunday: Close


Golfito Dental
Pueblo Civil de Golfito, Costa Rica
(50 mtrs from INS Building, 2nd floor)